If you don't know already, one of my JOYS in life is to curate and create retreats where we can dive deep and release our shit, join together in community and reclaim our power, and envision and co-create our most REWILDED selves. And so, it is with the GREATEST pleasure that we bring to you the Spring 2023 Mudita Summer Camp for Your Soul!
I mean, COME ON! This place is absolutely MAGICAL!
First, let's talk about the place...Serenbe was built around a vision for creating a community with a focus on sustainability and alignment. The grounds are even laid out on sacred geometry! But not only is this place centered on farm-to-table cuisine and your mental and spiritual well-being, it also boasts some INCREDIBLE accommodations with luxury rooms spread out amongst the village and across the original grounds. So saying yes to the place was EZ!! You can learn more about this amazing place here!
We are lucky enough to have the FAN-TAB-U-LOUS Meghan O'Malley helping to create this sacred container for you. If you don't know Meghan than you are in for a treat. There is no one I know who creates deeper magical experiences than this gifted human. You can learn more about her here.
Now, let's talk about the weekend. We have IT ALL (as we always do...) But we are REALLY bringing it this round. First, we are matching this weekend with the NEW MOON/ SOLAR ECLIPSE energy!!! This is a time for us to get clear on our intentions and what we align with and focus our attention on what we want to manifest and grow. The solar eclipse is a time of NEW BEGINNINGS. We can use the power of solar eclipses to reveal what needs to be revealed so that we can heal what needs to be healed. During the season of Aires, we will have worked through the energy of closure, finishing up, and making space for new growth rooted in trust and Divine Timing. Aires is firey energy, so this might have been an intense process as we burnt away what no longer serves. We will be moving into Taurus which will help ground these seeds and intentions, to love, support, and nurture them, as they grow strong and vibrant.
This retreat is about EMBODIMENT (well, hello Taurus season...). This is our chance to take what we "know" and create meaningful ways to put it into action. Now, we LURVE to create a container based in play and pleasure, that's our thing. So our goal is to help you understand yourself, your purpose, and your journey and create playful ways to embody this knowing.
What does embodiment do for us?? Well, without it, we can't really make the changes we are seeking, it stays at the mental level, more of a wish or dream, and less of a grounded practice of BEING it!
Now we take all of that JUICINESS and we AMPLIFY the shit out of it by focusing our intentions as a group and WATCH OUT WORLD! That is what we call MAGIC y'all!
Register Now!

Register Now!
So let's get you some details...
Our retreat is being hosted by the Inn at Serenbe and the Serenbe Community. You can learn more about that here.
3 Days: Friday April 20-Sunday April 22
*we will play through the day on Sunday and will have a closing ceremony in the evening. You may choose to stay Sunday night and check out on Monday.
Included in your $787 package:
Welcome Reception on Friday
All retreat sessions and events
All the supplies you need to dive deep and play hard
And quite possibly some kind of fabulous gift as Mudita is known to have...
*We are currently working on what planned meals will happen together. We should have a final confirmation on that shortly but just know, you will be well-fed, and those meals will be included in this price.
Accommodations are not included, however, we have arranged a special rate of $295 per night for your stay in the Serenbe village. These will be rooms with king beds and a bathroom in private houses. We will get that link for you soon. Please call 770 463-2610 to book your room. You will need to tell them you are with the Mudita retreat. Please note this room block is held for us until March 20th so if you intend to stay on the property, please book your room early.
Let's meet your cruise directors...

Well, yours truly. I will be there in full form making sure you are pampered, supported, seen, and doing the good work. I have been an energy practitioner for many years and it is my JOY to create experiences where we can release our shit, reclaim our power, and step fully into our lives REWILDED and aligned with abundance and JOY!! That's all you need to really know about me.
Laura Cardwell
When Meghan left her life (and comfy identity) as a therapist to step into the wide-open, creative realm of coaching, she set the tone for what her life could be. She has been living out of the box, loving fiercely and courageously CREATING a life and community she loves. . . and of course, has been supporting others in doing the same. She supports brilliant people (like YOU). . in reconnecting with who you really are (because THAT is your superpower.) In being brave while creating a life that is truly, joyfully, and unapologetically YOURS. In building relationships that are better, more loving, more fulfilling, and more honest than you've ever experienced. And in creating lives that are mind-blowingly MAGICAL! Find more about Meghan at www.meghanomalleycoaching.com

Meghan O'Malley

Kelly Hanson is an Asheville based multimedia artist and mindful art facilitator who allows intuition and an open heart to guide herself and others toward creative self-reflection.
Intuitive Collage
You will be invited to quiet your mind and open your heart to explore and express an introspective theme using collage. This powerful and creative process will connect you to your Divine inner wisdom for clarity and guidance in the present moment.
Kelly Hanson